廈門朗豪酒店盡展一貫「朗豪」品牌的風格,為旅客帶來樂趣無窮的住宿體驗,包括集商務中心及酒吧一身的Portal – Work & Play和讓賓客放松及充電的Club L 貴賓會。
1. 按照酒店宣傳品和廣告的標準制作美工設計。 develops design and artwork according to corporate standards for hotel collateral and advertisement. 2. 為市場推廣服務經理提供所有宣傳品和廣告的設計方面的技術支持。 provides technical support to the marketing service manager, in regards to designs of all collateral and advertisement. 3. 參加酒店促銷活動,為活動照相或拍攝視頻。 attends promotional events in the hotel, especially for photo shooting / video taking. 4. 與市場推廣服務經理合作,確保在所有酒店宣傳品、廣告及媒體報道都給酒店帶來最優良的形象宣傳。 works with the marketing service manager to ensure optimum image is obtained for all hotel collateral, advertisement and exposures etc. 5. 協助促銷工作(季節性銷售促銷和推廣活動)。 assist with promotions (e.g. seasonal sales promotions and special events).